The purpose of LIFEorchids (a project co-financed by the European Union through the LIFE programme) is to counteract the current decline of wild orchids, typical of grasslands that maintain their biodiversity characteristics only if correctly managed through mowing or grazing. In the absence of such a care, the habitat is bound to disappear, because shrubs and trees will take over and exclude orchids. The project involves grassland restoration and orchid reinforcement/reintroduction in selected areas within the Park of Po vercellese-alessandrino (Piedmont) and the Park of Portofino (Liguria), also through the contribution of experiences from the Czech Republic.

But not only…

The Orchids

In an era of global loss of biodiversity, orchids are considered to be at high risk of extinction, as a consequence of their special characteristics. In nature, in fact, these plants depend not only on pollinating insects for reproduction, but also on specific symbiotic microorganisms (fungi), themselves threatened by environmental changes, which are indispensable for the germination of seeds and the very survival of the first plant growth stages.

Become an
Orchid Steward

The survival of these extraordinary plants and their ecosystem depends on human beings, who can undertake actions of care and land management to protect local biodiversity.
If you are the owner of a land that can represent a habitat for these plants, a land user (for example an agricultural entrepreneur) willing to apply practices allowing orchid survival, or a volunteer willing to take time to assist us in the project activities, and you are available to become “Orchid Steward”, helping us to protect the delicate habitats hosting these “flag” species, get in touch with us (

Already Orchid Stewards

Parco Naturale Regionale dell’Aveto
Ente Parco
Città Metropolitana di Genova

Comune di Sestri Levante (GE)
Ente locale
Sestri Levante (GE)

Comune di Zoagli
Ente locale
Zoagli (GE)

Comune di Bogliasco

Comune di Camogli (GE)

Guglielmo Romagnoli
Società Agricola
Lazise (VR)

Attilio Romagnoli
Società Agricola
Lazise (VR)

Comune di Portofino
Ente locale
Portofino (GE)

Comune di Ponzano
Ente locale
Ponzano Monferrato (AL)

Comune di Arguello (CN)
Ente pubblico
Comune di Arguello (CN)

Comune di Monforte d’Alba (CN)
Ente locale
Monforte d'Alba (CN)

Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore per l’Agricoltura “Bernardo Marsano”

Anna e Lorenzo Reverdito
Calamandrana (AT)

Comune di Terruggia (AL)
Ente locale
Terruggia (AL)

Comune di Camagna Monferrato (AL)
Ente locale
Camagna Monferrato (AL)

Fabio Benvenuto
azienda agricola Fabio Benvenuto
Sori (GE)

Elisabetta Fenoglio
Villanova Mondovì (CN)

Rosella Rocchetti
Cascina Roccabianca, società agricola biologica
Cartosio (Al)

Alessandro Castagnino

Jacopo Calevo

Miriam Bazzicalupo

Andrea Copetta

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The survival of these extraordinary plants and of their ecosystem depends on people, who can protect local biodiversity by taking care and by managing their land.

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